It’s Jack Chick’s 83rd birthday today!
BTW, the above picture of Chick (left) has been REMOVED from the website of Victory Baptist Church, which I take as a sign that it is, indeed, authentic.
Anyway, happy birthday to Jack Chick! (Unless birthdays are evil or something!)
CHT to the readers who e-mailed!
Author: Jimmy Akin
Jimmy was born in Texas, grew up nominally Protestant, but at age 20 experienced a profound conversion to Christ. Planning on becoming a Protestant seminary professor, he started an intensive study of the Bible. But the more he immersed himself in Scripture the more he found to support the Catholic faith, and in 1992 he entered the Catholic Church. His conversion story, "A Triumph and a Tragedy," is published in Surprised by Truth. Besides being an author, Jimmy is the Senior Apologist at Catholic Answers, a contributing editor to Catholic Answers Magazine, and a weekly guest on "Catholic Answers Live."
View all posts by Jimmy Akin
No, the picture is still there, its just that Chick and his buddy are wearing invisibility cloaks ;o)
As my great-grandmother would say: HELLS BELLS!
Note to file: I say “Hells Bells”, too. I am not David B’s grandmother.
Somebody remind me: Besides “everyone-is-entitled-to-a-few-quirks-so-this-can-be-Jimmy’s”, why do we care about Jack Chick’s birthday?
A small correction: She was my Great-Grandmother. 🙂
She carried the title well.
To answer your question, Mr. Peters:
Jimmy is tracking Jack Chick’s age because, when Jack reaches 90 year-old, it will be the signal that the Apocalypse has come.
As all good members of the Roman Catholic conspiricy should, Jimmy is merely keeping tabs on the enemy. Perhaps he is hoping to catch wind of Chick’s birthday party and dispatch a couple of Opus Dei assasains to jump out of the cake and dispense of him, or better yet convert him with their Papist brainwash machine.
Because it is amusing to feed Chick’s delusion that the Papists follow every detail of his personal life with great interest… as if the Vatican keeps an ever-expanding dossier on him.
Plus, it’s “kitschy”. He’s totally rocking that short-sleeved sport shirt.
“Note to file: I say ‘Hell’s Bells’, too. I am not David B’s grandmother.”
Well, of course not, Ed, since, as we all know, David B is Esau’s alter ego. So, the question is: Are you Esau’s grandmother? (Or great-grandmother?)
“…as if the Vatican keeps an ever-expanding dossier on him.”
The Vatican keeps an ever-expanding dossier on everyone. That’s how we know about David B/Esau.
You guys are great.
Didn’t JPII have dinner with Jack Chick, after which he kissed a copy of “Bad Bob”?
JPII changed everything! Canon law, the good-old God- Breathed Baltimore Catechism, the DR Bible…
AND he was responsible for moving the Houston Oilers to Memphis and then to Nashville and changing their name.
He is also behind the failure of Betamax, the slow response to Hurricane Katrina and his policies have contributed directly to the continued presence of Sanjaya Malakar on Idol, which is clearly the Devil’s work.
I know, SOME will say that JPII THOUGHT he was kissing a copy of “Pillar of Fire, Pillar of Truth”, but they are kool-aid drinking JPII sycophants.
Oh, HE knew, alright…
What does “Hells Bells” mean?
I’ve actually never heard of that phrase!
(hehhe… let’s see if you can’t tell if it’s actually Esau or David B. this time by the handle! — No IP Address cheating!) ;^)
What does “Hells Bells” mean?
I’ve actually never heard of that phrase!
(hehhe… let’s see if you can’t tell if it’s actually Esau or David B. this time by the handle! — No IP Address cheating!) ;^)
I’m not sure Chick really qualifies as a “non-catholic apologist”. Such would require him to be an apologist, and I have yet to see him actually execute any apologetics. Certainly he is a proselyte, but for lack of defense I am reluctant to extend the function of apologetics. What does everyone else think?
Oh, and Dr Ed Peters please write more frequently! I can’t comment on your blog so I’m sure Jimmy will forgive the brief hijack but I really wish I had more of your material to read. =)
Hell’s Bells! What on Earth is wrong with you people?
The picture was removed from the website because it’s a fake.
Oh, and Dr Ed Peters please write more frequently! I can’t comment on your blog so I’m sure Jimmy will forgive the brief hijack but I really wish I had more of your material to read. =)
Ditto to ED PETERS!
I enjoyed (and miss) his rather thought-provoking comments on the Nature of “EVIL” in that one thread “Confronting Evil”!!!
ED PETERS should post similar insightful thoughts on Jimmy’s blog and more often!
Bill wrote:
The picture was removed from the website because it’s a fake.
And your PROOF of this assertion is…?
Oh, JoAnna, you obviously don’t know how this game is played… YOU must prove it was NOT a fake.
Your demand for proof is just more evidence that you are part of the conspiracy.
Jimmy, don’t you know birthdays are pagan festivities worshiping the person whose birthday it is 😛
Looks like a cardboard cutout to me.
(hehhe… let’s see if you can’t tell if it’s actually Esau or David B. this time by the handle! — No IP Address cheating!) ;^)
Neither — it is clearly Smoky Mountain Gollum.
Jimmy, don’t you know birthdays are pagan festivities worshiping the person whose birthday it is 😛
J.R. Stoodley:
Actually, this was a pagan custom adopted by Vatican II and promoted by the Apostate, John Paul II!
David B. is really an alter-ego of Ed Peters. Which begs the question: who’s writing this post?
(creepy Twilight Zone Theme plays)
David B. is really an alter-ego of Ed Peters. Which begs the question: who’s writing this post?
(creepy Twilight Zone Theme plays)
Okay, let me get this straight — so it’s:
Ed Peters = David B. = Pope John SuperNova = Pope John XXIV (SuperNova) = Pope John XXIV (SpuerNova) = David B. {Mithrandir} =
Tim J. <> Another Tim = Smoky Mountain Gollum = Smoky Mountain Vocalist = Smoky Mountain Grammarian = Smoky Mountain Vocalist = Smoky Mountain Anti-Plagiarist = Smoky Mountain Mathematician = Smoky Mountain Time Machine = Smoky Mountain Has a Life = Smoky Mountain Paleontologist = Smoky Mountain If At Once You Don’t Succeed = Smoky Mountain Sequitizer = Smoky Mountain Scientist = Smoky Mountain Dumbo = Smoky Mountain Love = Smoky Mountain Timekeeper = Smoky Mountain Italicizer = Smoky Mountain Smeagol = Smoky Mountain Deagol = Smoky Mountain Rohirrim = Smoky Mountain = Smoky Mountain Hiker
Does this mean, then, that for all we know, there are perhaps only five to six people on this blog where, really, a select group of them are merely operating under an assumed name? ? ?
Please don’t tell me that those with female names are really guys as well!
… creepy Twilight Zone Theme plays …
Esau’s figured it out. Dispatch the albino monk.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’m schizophrenic
And so am I!
The Big Secret is: wispering Jimmy is really all of the personalities here. He invents trolls to show his readers how to deal with crazy people. You, Dear Reader, are the only real person here.
I think I’m starting to get that really creepy feeling going down my spine.
Pope John XXIV (SpuerNova)
Okay, That spelling was an accident.
—Somebody remind me: Besides “everyone-is-entitled-to-a-few-quirks-so-this-can-be-Jimmy’s”, why do we care about Jack Chick’s birthday?—
Maybe so we can say a prayer for him while he is still alive? We would not want to insult him by praying for him after he passes on.
Somebody need to reels us in! Otherwise, all of this craziness will cause matter and anti-matter to collide and create an alternative version of this blog. (gasp) Unless… this is the alternative version. (at least that would explain John)
The Big Secret is: wispering Jimmy is really all of the personalities here. He invents trolls to show his readers how to deal with crazy people. You, Dear Reader, are the only real person here.
This sounds like the makings of a good thriller (assuming it hasn’t been done yet)!
.. All along, the reality of the main character really isn’t what it was since all the characters he/she supposedly met in the story (as well as all the other elements) were really fabrications created by/in his/her mind; a realization only to be reached at the end of the story.
Realist/John/SDG/Tim J./Ed Peters/bill912/Jimmy Akin/JoAnna/Mary Kay/Smoky/Esquire/Jack Chick/Clinton/Bush/Pelosi/Galileo/Newton/Einstein/etc., were really ghosts that existed only in the main character’s mind!
When the person finally wakes up — he/she finds God laughing and was merely playing a joke on him/her!
… okay, after some thought, this might’ve been done already.
Still seems interesting though!
God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh.
Actually, it wasn’t a typo. “SpuerNova” is the real codename, and may be parsed as ‘S Puer Nova, meaning “It’s the newbie boy.” This newbness is emphasized by the lack of gender agreement between “puer” and “nova”.
Would someone place another dime in the machine for Chicks additional 15mins. Really now why give airtime to a bigot and author of hate-literature.
Is that really Pastor Jake???
Whoa! Jimmy’s got pull!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I’m schizophrenic
And so am I!
I prefer the version by the great philosopher Roger Miller:
“Roses are red,
violets are purple,
sugar is sweet,
and so is maple syrple.”
(From Dang Me)
How ’bout:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
All my base
are belong to you.
Let me make one comment for everyone who thinks the photo was a fake:
Thank you.
Gilbert’s comment is the best!!!! That’s exactly why we should occasionally think about Jack Chick and others — so we are reminded of them and can pray for them — “Oh my Jesus…lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in need of Your Mercy”. I say we all pray for Jack Chick on Devine Mercy Sunday.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
All my base
are belong to you
Precious, the bases, we wants them. Nasty hobbitses wants the bases for themselves. But we mustn’t let them have the bases, no.
The bases are for us/
My Mom used to talk about “Hell’s bells and little fish-hooks”. Doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense either.
BTW, I heard this on the TV news tonight, so it’s gotta be true:
“The bases are loaded”!
This sounds like the makings of a good thriller (assuming it hasn’t been done yet)!
.. All along, the reality of the main character really isn’t what it was since all the characters he/she supposedly met in the story (as well as all the other elements) were really fabrications created by/in his/her mind; a realization only to be reached at the end of the story.
This was the plot of a movie starring John Cusack whose name I don’t remember. It was very very bad. Don’t see it.
This sounds like the makings of a good thriller (assuming it hasn’t been done yet)!
.. All along, the reality of the main character really isn’t what it was since all the characters he/she supposedly met in the story (as well as all the other elements) were really fabrications created by/in his/her mind; a realization only to be reached at the end of the story.
This was the plot of a movie starring John Cusack whose name I don’t remember. It was very very bad. Don’t see it.
This sounds like the makings of a good thriller (assuming it hasn’t been done yet)!
.. All along, the reality of the main character really isn’t what it was since all the characters he/she supposedly met in the story (as well as all the other elements) were really fabrications created by/in his/her mind; a realization only to be reached at the end of the story.
This was the plot of a movie starring John Cusack whose name I don’t remember. It was very very bad. Don’t see it.
Michael Sullivan,
That movie was called “Identity” and I rather liked it!
I talked to my mom about the origin of “Hells Bells.” She believes that it is sort of the anti-thesis of “Gabrial’s Trumpet.” Of course, I’m not sure.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
All my base
are belong to you.
You know what you doing. Move zig!!!
“This was the plot of a movie starring John Cusack whose name I don’t remember. It was very very bad. Don’t see it”.
Well, it’s not so much bad as it is forgettable. People would be better off seeing Memento, a much better film(which, by the way, has nothing to with schizophrenia or MPD.
I’ve read dozens of Chick tracts (beginning with the first one placed under my pillow in boot camp twenty-seven years ago), and I’ve never seen one that hasn’t made me more secure in my Catholicism. Cartoons are wonderful, but I secretly dig the Summa. Happy Birthday, Jack. Maybe I’ll dig a tunnel to Rome to celebrate!
This was the plot of a movie starring John Cusack whose name I don’t remember. It was very very bad. Don’t see it.
I think you are thinking of “Being John Malkovich.” It’s rated “F” and -4 for moral/spiritual value (“poison”) by our very own SDG, and O (“morally offensive”) by the USCCB.
The indirect answer: Two words–
As to the person who might make it? Draw your own conclusion.
Remember — Devine Mercy Sunday = Pray for Jack Chick.
Also, A better target would be one of the tracks them selves!
“David B. is really an alter-ego of Ed Peters. Which begs the question: who’s writing this post?
(creepy Twilight Zone Theme plays)
Okay, let me get this straight — so it’s:
Ed Peters = David B. = Pope John SuperNova = Pope John XXIV (SuperNova) = Pope John XXIV (SpuerNova) = David B. {Mithrandir} =
Tim J. <> Another Tim = Smoky Mountain Gollum = Smoky Mountain Vocalist = Smoky Mountain Grammarian = Smoky Mountain Vocalist = Smoky Mountain Anti-Plagiarist = Smoky Mountain Mathematician = Smoky Mountain Time Machine = Smoky Mountain Has a Life = Smoky Mountain Paleontologist = Smoky Mountain If At Once You Don’t Succeed = Smoky Mountain Sequitizer = Smoky Mountain Scientist = Smoky Mountain Dumbo = Smoky Mountain Love = Smoky Mountain Timekeeper = Smoky Mountain Italicizer = Smoky Mountain Smeagol = Smoky Mountain Deagol = Smoky Mountain Rohirrim = Smoky Mountain = Smoky Mountain Hiker
Does this mean, then, that for all we know, there are perhaps only five to six people on this blog where, really, a select group of them are merely operating under an assumed name? ? ?
Please don’t tell me that those with female names are really guys as well!
… creepy Twilight Zone Theme plays …
I spend too much time on this and other Catholic blogs & forums because I GET this post.
Worse still, I run into some of you and other blogs, and make reference to this and other forums, and everyone knows what the heck I am talking about…
Maybe there are only like 5 of us reading and writing in all the forums?
Hmm…. we could have just given away our dirty little secret… If JTC is following, I can imagine his NEXT tract: “Only 10 Catholics control the Internet!”
I hope I am quoted (& credited) in it. But then again, I have been trying to get a photo of myself on Wikipedia – for any reason – for years. My dreams are small.
Well, we should control the internet. After all, we invented it to aid us in conquering the world and leading souls to hell. That stuff about Algore inventing the internet is just a smokescreen to throw off the unaware.
In my Protestant days, I actually used to distribute those Chick tracts. I had an entire Sunday school series devoted to the “Pagan” origins of the Catholic Church.
However, I never bought into the whole Vatican conspiracy thing… that was reserved for the Pentaverat, made up of four people I don’t recall and Colonel Sanders with his wee beady eyes (his secret recipe makes you crave the chicken fortnightly).
Hey! Happy Birthday Pope Benedict XVI too!! : )
A. Williams,
Do you really think it’s a coincidence that the birthdays Jack Chick and Pope Benedict are so close together? And note that you never see the two together in the same place …
I suppose all the stuff about the pope being the antichrist is just to cover up that he is, in fact, the pope.
ok, I meant to quote Bill Q’s comment. please excuse my lack of html…
Too bad Jack Chick couldn’t have the humility and honesty to go to Pope Benedict and say he was sorry for all the baloney he’s been publishing all these years!
Then Pope Benedict could give him a new job making cartoons of all the wacky liturgical innovations currently going on in almost the entire Church!!
Ooh, I can just picture it — “Bad Roberta, Liturgical Director,” who constantly finds new ways to “innovate” the Mass.
Today the Gloria at my parish was sung as, “Glory to God, glory to God, and peace to God’s people, God’s people on earth.” Not only is this syllabically awkward to sing, but it conveniently eliminates the masculine pronoun. Bad Roberta would have been proud. Almost as proud as when everyone holds hands during the Lord’s Prayer or when everyone gets confused trying to figure out exactly when to stand up just before the priest says, “Pray, brethren, that our sacrifice may be acceptable to God …”
About liturgical abuses….
I happened to have a little chat with my Pastor yesterday, who happens to be an archbishop in the country I’m currently living in. I also was a lector at the Mass yesterday, for the first time.
And becasue I love all things correctly liturgical, I mentioned to him, that, becasue i am now a lector, I would like to be ‘instituted’, becasue as ‘Redemptionis Sacramentum’ says, this is the proper way to do things.
But to my total surprise, he said he couldn’t do this, and even didn’t know how to do it in my country. He also said that he wasn’t sure if there were any ‘instituted lectors in the entire U.S., at this time..except maybe in seminaries.
After this, I’m starting to think this ‘reformation of the reformation’, might be a bit longer in coming than I originally thought!
I really hope I’m very wrong!
Now I think y’all are being a little too hard on ole boy Jack. He’s part of the reason that I know what I do, about the Catholic faith.
When I was a senior in high school, I was given a couple of Jack Chick tracts by a fellow classmate. It set me on a course of finding out why the Catholic faith, is the one true faith.
So thank-you Jack! You have no idea what you’ve done!
Jack looks like a cardboard cutout because he IS a cardboard cutout. Have you ever seen him in profile? He’s just a thin brown line. As misguided as he is, you have to give him credit for all he has accomplished as a cardboard cutout.
Dad said it was the Gettys, Rothchilds, the Vatican, and the Queen of England.
I second (or third – I’ve lost track) the posters who said that the reason to care that it’s Jack Chick’s birthday is to pray for him. He’s created in God’s image and likeness, just like the rest of us, despite his virulent anti-Catholic screeds and somewhat ludicrous tactics.
On a lighter note, I saw that John Cusack movie too. I was really unimpressed with the way it turned out. It was definitely not Being John Malkovich, which I also saw and was also not impressed with. Memento, on the other hand, I can definitely recommend.
Michael Sullivan:
Thanks for the info! I would’ve thought that an actual movie must’ve already been made out of the plot I had described.
David B.:
Hell’s Bells and its analogy to “Gabrial’s Trumpet” — interesting!
I wonder if it actually bears any significance to the phrase “For Whome the Bell Tolls”?
I still find that term “Hell’s Bells” quite odd and wonder what it means exactly and its origin.
A Simple Sinner:
That’s Creepier than what I imagined!
You mean to say there are actually only 5 or 6 of us out there — posting not only here, but there are the same set of folks posting also on other Catholic blogs and that these folks (not knowingly) are merely conversing with each other all this time?
… creepy Twilight Zone Theme plays …
Dittos to everyone who said we should be praying for Jack Chick.
My earlier comment was kinda snarky… guess I was in a bad mood. Mea culpa.